Ok, so flashwise I have been pretty unproductive lately. I worked on this one project that I plan to finish eventually and worked straight for a while, but life (school) got in the way and so now I am not working on it consistently. I still need to finish my part for the music collab which I may be forced to drop if they make a due date soon, although I do want to be a part of that.
Also, I am working a lot on this one fansite for LittleBigPlanet (coolest looking game EVER) which is taking a lot of my time (and will most likely look better than my main website fairly soon). Go check it out if you want at www.littlebigfansite.com. Also, I will have a LOT more time after tomorrow because I have a midterm I need to take. I've been pretty stressed with that, but I will luckily have a little more breathing room afterwards.
So, yeah, look back here for more updates if you really want. I guess I could attach a photo of something I made. I think I'll give a photo of the crappy awesome pokemon drawings I made when I was bored with my graphics tablet. They are purposely drawn crappily. Don't be hatin.